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Terms of Services

Ravensoft Microsystems is a Canada Based IT consulting company that offers Managed IT Services, IT Support Services, Remote IT Services, Tech Support Services and Cloud Services & much more.

​ provides services to you subject to the notices, terms, and conditions set forth in this agreement (the “Agreement”). In addition, when you use any of our services, you will be subject to the rules, guidelines, policies, terms, and conditions applicable to such service, and they are incorporated into this Agreement by this reference. We reserve the right to change this Site and these terms and conditions at any time.

Genenal Terms & Condition

1.  We provide computer generated based quotation and required no signature, registered emails will be consider for the validation purpose from either side our registered Email addresses are mentioned in our website
2.  Email approval from the clients registered email address is required and acceptable to initiate order of any product which involved in the services.
3.  Payments thru email transfer will be acceptable on the given email ID
" we also accept Cheques / Online payments and bank drafts in favour of RavenSoft Microsystems Inc.
4.  Any taxes and fees whichever will be extra as applicable during and after the project completion.
5.  Since we order the valuable and specialized Items for our clients after through need assessments, It
required to be paid 100% advance payment for the quotation of item(s) which we have to procure from our
commercial business partners by placing the order.
6.  30% of service charge payment based on the quotation will be paid in advance on the day when we start
the phase of quoted service cost of the project and 70% of the remaining service charges needs to be paid
on the completion of the project.
7. 15 days service warranty is included in the service cost to test the overall functionality of the device and
the implemented system for clients satisfaction with no extra visiting charge if required to visit site
reasonably, After that 3 months warranty of the provided service will be applicable from the date of
completion of the project / Phase of project (in case if project runs in multiple phases) with nominal visiting
charge extra applicable subject to wave-off on our company’s discretion, maximum $129.99 per visit.
8. Given quotation is valid for 15 days as quoted price are subject to change due to uncertain behavior of
market during COVID-19 pandemic.
9. Any multi stages projects will be mentioned into separate quotations and needs to be paid after each stage
of project completions. Price for different stages will be provided and can be effected by the market price if
quotation approval passed 15 days.
10. Warranty of the product and services will be void if item tempered/ opened or relocated from its actual
shape or location after the installation and completion of the project without our services or expertise
used, also we will be not liable for warranty and stability of the product in such case.

11. Warranty of the product is non transferable and will be valid for the actual owner of the facility mentioned
into the quotation and invoice at the time of execution and completion of the project.
12. Any late payment after 21 days will be charged on the basis of standard interest 18.99% per annual.
13. Once order approved and payment received, we will place the order immediately to avoid any change of
price from the supplier side, however cancellation of any approved products orders will entitled to charge
restocking and administration fees of 10% of the items order quotational value and return shipment will be
paid by the client if client want the refund of the payment instead of credit note.
14. Service charges are non-returnable non-negotiable after final approval as it involves time on need
assessment, workmanship cost, duration under work performed, transit time involved and scheduling of
work availability to perform dedicated task of installation at client end, but subject to discussion to add
extra workmanship / services if required during project execution respecting clients needs.
15. Any conflicts/ disputes are subject to local jurisdiction (London, Ontario) if not reaching any self resolution.

16. Warranty of the product may differ as per manufacture decision and as mentioned into quotation along
with the items, any shipment during the warranty will be bear by the customer applicable as
some manufacturers does not pay for the return shipment label and client has to pay by themselves. Any
electrical points if and when are required must be installed by certified electrician provided and paid by the
client, drywall and fixtures repairs must be done by authorized person managed and paid by client, if it is
required to make hole/ other unforeseen modifications to implement the approved project,
RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. will not be liable to pay for any such repaid / modification services, however
we will inform the client wherever any such task(s) needs to be performed.
17. We Certified that the particulars given in quotations are true and correct and the amount indicated
represents the actually price going to be charged to the client including delivery and handling of this
Project/ Product/ Services, Any change in the project charter / quotation will be acceptable only if
reasonably mentioned on time and to be charged extra where applicable with the consent and acceptance
of the client.

By accepting and approving this quotation through email response will considered as you agreed with above
mentioned clause and terms of agreement with RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. London, Ontario to engage into the project on your site with our best capabilities.

Thank you for trusting us, we assuring, will work in the best interest of our clients with total
transparency for peace of mind and always assure the quality with transparency to deliver the desired
and expected results to our clients within our best abilities that makes us genuine 5 star ratings company
on goggle review by our customers for quality and performance and using best business ethics with






Our data recovery services are performed under the following terms and conditions. This is the complete agreement between you and RavenSoft Microsystems Inc.. RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. must approve any modification to this Service Agreement in writing.

Service Authorization

You hereby engage RavenSoft Microsystems Inc., and/ or its suppliers when applicable, to use all commercially reasonable efforts to determine the existence and extent of recoverable data on your media (“Evaluation”) and retrieve and/or provide access to your recoverable data (“Data Recovery”) (collectively, the ‘Engagement’)

Data Confidentiality

Information contained in your data/media (“Client Information”) will be used by RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. only for the purpose of fulfilling this Engagement, and will otherwise be held in confidence by RavenSoft Microsystems Inc.. These confidentiality obligations shall not apply to any information which enters the public domain through no fault of RavenSoft Microsystems Inc., which was known to RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. prior to receipt from you, which is disclosed to RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. by a third party (other than employees or agents of either party) which to RavenSoft Microsystems Inc.’s knowledge in making such information available to RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. is not in violation of any confidentiality obligation to you, which is independently developed by RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. without recourse to the Client Information, or which is used by RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. in any legal process. This confidentiality agreement may be breached by RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. at any time when Client Information is found to contain data such as child pornography or information that is detrimental to national security of the United States of America/ Canada and India.


Payment Terms:

Our diagnostics charge for each media is $129.99 (nonrefundable) to determine the damage or stages of recovery. Any further stage will be informed to client in advance before the recovery attempts to discuss pricing, minimum for level 1 pricing is $299.99 for each media/ HDD/SSD, Minor recovery can be done in diagnosis on discrete company decision.

You will be charged a quoted Data Recovery Fee of $129.99 and you agree to be responsible for all media, shipping and handling charges (wherever applicable) and all risk of loss during shipping. You agree to pay all charges quoted, plus applicable shipping charges, as well as taxes and similar charges when required. No services will be performed and no charges incurred unless you consent by agreeing to this Service Agreement. Additionally, in the event data is deemed unrecoverable, you agree to pay all shipping charges associated with the return of the unrecoverable media to you. In the event you decide not to have your media returned, or you fail to provide payment for return shipping, the media/data/equipment will be destroyed 90 days after any evaluations or recovery attempts have been completed.

  1. Payment Method – For amounts greater than $2,500 a company or personal check, e-Transfer or bank wire will be required. Credit cards will not be acceptable.

  2. Payment Due – Full payment is due upon completion and must be made within ten (10) business days of receiving notification of final payment request unless prior arrangements are made in advance.

  3. No Refunds – RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. will not issue refunds for any payments made by you for data recovery as it involves long time, efforts, skills and specialized tools to perform intensive recovery with great care.

Limitation Of Liability

You acknowledge that the media/data/equipment you are making available to RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. is already damaged, that data recovery efforts can potentially result in further damage, and that RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. is not responsible for this or any other type of damage, including damage to or failures by equipment or media furnished by RavenSoft Microsystems Inc.. You agree that the liability of RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. to you for work performed under this agreement shall not exceed $1,00.00 or the amount charged by RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. to you for data recovery, whichever is greater, regardless of circumstances under which such liability is imposed. Under no circumstances shall RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. be liable to the client in contract, strict liability, warranty, tort or otherwise, for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, such as (but not limited to) delay, disruption, loss of product, loss of anticipated profits or revenue, loss of use of equipment or system, non-operation or increased expense of operation of other equipment or systems, cost of capital, or cost of purchase or replacement equipment or systems.


Lawful Ownership Acknowledgement

You warrant and represent and warrant to RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. that you are in lawful possession of all data, media and/or equipment you make available to RavenSoft Microsystems Inc., and that you have a lawful purpose to engage RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. for the Engagement. If you are requesting any Deletion services of any kind whatsoever, you hereby warrant and represent that such data is not involved in any current or anticipated legal proceeding, investigation or government inquiry. You agree to indemnify and hold RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. harmless from any and all claims, liabilities, costs (including attorneys’ fees) and damages of any kind related to this Service Agreement.

Service Warranty

You agree that RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. grants no warranties regarding its services of any kind, and all services are provided on an “as-is” basis. Any issues regarding recovered data (either data corruption or incomplete recoveries) must be addressed within 10 business days of the completed and shipped recovery. After 10 business days your recovered data will be qualified as acceptable, and it will be removed from our servers. Any additional recovery attempts will be subject to additional recovery charges. RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. will focus on the file types or specific file names specified within the form when you created your data recovery case. If no specifications are made then a generalized recovery of all available data will be made and this may or may not include data that may be deemed desirable by you. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES (INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) ARE DISCLAIMED.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

The enforceability, validity, construction, and operation of this Agreement, and all of its terms, shall be determined according to the laws of the State of Ontario specific to Canada.

Mediation / Arbitration:

  1. If a dispute arises out of or relates to this Engagement, or the breach thereof, and if said dispute cannot be settled through negotiation, RavenSoft Microsystems Inc. and the Client (you) agree first to try in good faith to settle the dispute by mediation under the Commercial Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration Association, before resorting to arbitration.

  2. Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, that cannot be resolved by mediation within thirty (30) calendar days shall be finally resolved by arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Commercial Arbitration Rules, and judgement upon the award rendered by the arbitrators may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. The arbitration shall be conducted in the English language in the City of Saint Petersburg, Florida (unless another location can be agreed upon by the parties), in accordance with the United States Arbitration Act. There shall be one arbitrator, named in accordance with such rules. The award of the arbitrator shall be accompanied by a statement of the reasons upon which the award is based.

Unrecoverable Data

Should your data be deemed completely “Unrecoverable”; or you simply elect not to have your data recovered, return shipping charges and expedite fees (if applicable) will remain your responsibility. Unrecoverable” means that there is mechanical failure or severe data corruption in the media that precludes access to any data on the media by any means within RavenSoft Microsystems Inc.’s capability. This definition does not apply in cases where ‘desired’ data was not specified when your data recovery case was created.


I (Client Name) _________________________________ hereby agreed with the above mentioned terms and conditions to engage with RavenSoft Microsystems. Inc for the repair and possible recovery of my data and as per the required time needed to recover my data. Also I ensure that the media I am providing belongs to me in all legal aspects and RavenSoft Microsystem Inc. will not be liable to deal with any such disputes in the future.

Drop-Off Date: _________________                                                Received on Date:______________

Clients Signature:       ______________________________            Date:               _________________

Clients Name:             ______________________________            Phone No.:             _________________

Email Address:           ______________________________            Authorized to:            _________________

Address:                         ______________________________            Received. Signature __________________

Secure DATA RECOVERY terms & Services


Monday- 9:30am to 7:30 pm
Tuesday- 9:30 am to 7:30 pm
Wednesday- 9:30 am to 7:30 pm
Thursday- 9:30 am to 7:30 pm
Friday- 9:30am to 7:30 pm 
Saturday- 9:30 am to 7:30 pm
Sunday- Special Appointment

contact us

892 Oakcrossing Rd, ON N6H 0A4,  London, Ontario, Canada


call us at (647) 978-1976 ( London, Ontario )

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